Friday, September 11, 2015

Electronic Direct Democracy Is A positive

      I feel that a direct democracy using electronic devices would be beneficial for two reasons: One, it would make our democracy more efficient. Two, it would make the voting process more available to the public and thus more democratic. Like any tool using technology, the internet only enhances and streamlines the process.  Why use punch cards when they’ve already proven to be unreliable and even confusing to the voting process?  Using simple programming would create innumerable efficiencies in a system that need not be troublesome.  It would save time and could be more accurate.
      Using electronic methods to enable citizens to have a direct involvement in our system,   we could involve all of those potential voters who may not normally participate in the process.  How many people have not voted because they couldn’t get off work?   Normally,  voting times coincide with our work schedules.  How many people have disabilities and cannot make it to the polling stations?  All of these citizen would now be able to vote.  In an age of voter apathy, we would be creating one less excuse if voting were as easy as reaching for your smartphone. Incorporated technology into voting could increase participation of younger voters.  The younger generation is increasingly more involved in political topics because of social networking.  They would be much more likely to vote via their electronic devices.  

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