Friday, December 11, 2015

Trump in the Dump

     It is becoming increasingly alarming how there seems to be a majority of the general public backing Donald Trump and for what appears to be a hate campaign for anyone non-American, or rightfully American but with cultural difference. Donald Trump can only be described as a spiteful man with no concern for the rights and freedoms of specific ethnical groups. In recent weeks he has mindlessly accused muslims of celebrating the terrorist attacks of 911, which could result in people backing his unconstitutional claim to ban mosques in the United States. Trump also claims that he will "put a stop" the any muslim entering the United States, and an that he will also stop immigration from Mexico.
     I completely agree with my fellow student Kayla Troiani, in her blog post, We Just Might Be Entering a Dystopia in 2016, she wrote of Trump's tactics to scare the American public into supporting his need to outcast muslims, African American's or Hispanic. Like Kayla, I find it unjust and completely absurd that anyone could follow or support Donald Trump. I believe that Trump could cause more of a disturbance within our society by further causing animosity between the races, and possibly causing more people to turn to radical groups to rebel against him and his unethical ideas.
     I live in hope that the population of the United States will wake up and realizes that Donald Trump and his immoral ideas for what makes America great, completely goes against what this country has been striving for. Our founding fathers fought to enable everyone to have the freedom of life, liberty and happiness, not to mention the freedom to practice their religion. Donald Trump should be shunned, and disqualified for his trying to implement unconstitutional laws, that will only further cause hate and hostility.