Sunday, November 29, 2015

Ban Military Type Fire Arms!

     How is it that the general public are still able to legally purchase fire arms that should be reserved for the purpose of the military or police force only. There seems to be a  large portion of the American public that are pushing for the right to bare unnecessary weapons and many government officials are backing it? A large majority of American citizens are willing to jeopardize the safety of the public in order to secure a law which was written over 200 years ago. When this law was put in place, the writers may not have condoned the right to bare fire arms to those with mental illnesses and such.
     The government really should really push for stricter rules and regulations for obtaining and owning firearms. It seems to be extremely easy to purchase a fire arm, regardless whether the individual has a mental illness or not. the public needs to wake up and realize that by allowing anyone to own assault riffles for instance is putting innocent peoples lives at risk on a daily basis. We as a society should be urging the government to implement stricter regulations on the purchase of any firearms, and a ban of any assault type weapons being sold to civilians. 

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