Wednesday, November 18, 2015

     After reading my fellow students blog, "Should we Fight Global Climate Change", by Jennifer Patel,  I am inclined to absolutely agree with her on this subject, and feel very strongly that it is an issue that must be taken more seriously. I too feel that there are too many people that disregard this issue and are unwilling to take the matter seriously. I don't suppose most of the non-believers of climate change will be willing to admit that their carbon footprint is having any effect on the warming of the earth, or their unwillingness to recycle their household waste is causing a bother for landfill. I am not entirely sure how this percent of the population can be persuaded otherwise, since we have scientific proof that global warming is a very serious issue indeed.
     It is shame that there are many people that are unaware of this issue, it leads us to believe that perhaps not enough media coverage is being allotted for the effects of climate change. Or, perhaps we could include the subject of global warming into school programs, so our children can be better educated and may be more willing to support the recycling efforts and lessen their carbon footprints. I assume that most of the people that dismiss the effects of global warming, because they are unwilling to accept that they are directly contributing to the problem and that they are unwilling to make adjustments to help the cause.

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