Friday, October 2, 2015

Amending the Hate

When I first arrived in the United States four years ago, it struck me how everyone seemed to enjoy engaging in political conversation. Although I don’t know too much about politics, I found myself being drawn in and was intrigued to learn more. I suppose I kind of adopted a conservative outlook based on the constant influence around me. However, learning about the way in which people viewed those less fortunate, women's rights, minority groups, etc. set me on a path to explore alternative parties. 
     I just recently came across an article written by Ann Coulter, and I am convinced she is the reason why Democrats loathe the Republican mentality. Although I can accept that she is entitled to her opinion, I don’t think she projects her feelings in good taste, and she is probably offensive to many people. I was horrified to read that she describes immigrants from less fortunate countries as “peasants” from “wildly backward cultures.”  She goes on to abuse many other ethnic groups and accuse them of heinous crimes. Coulter went on to sail herself up the hate river with accusations and disrespect for our President. 
     I am increasingly concerned about the attention she receives for her propaganda, leading people to believe that Democrats are responsible for 9/11, Fort Hood, the Boston Marathon bombings, and so forth. I can only hope that America wakes up and realizes that this kind of hate is not healthy for what was once a country that was admired by all other countries around the world. Let us move forward and strive for a positive future.

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