Friday, October 9, 2015

The Internet Could Make Us Smarter

     I am astounded by how we are so easily distracted by technology that could be a benefit to education and our general knowledge. We must pull our heads out of the sand and take responsibility for our own engagement in the distractions. The internet could provide us with many valuable sources of articles, videos, surveys, etc. that could make our knowledge of politics much more comprehensive. Instead, most of the entire population uses the internet for alternative purposes, such as gaming, social networking, and other useless sites that distract us from becoming involved with the welfare of our country and political agendas.
     Studies being conducted by National Democratic Institute have discovered several countries' usage of the internet to make the citizens aware of current events and the availability of civics education to allow the citizens to become more actively involved in political issues. These efforts, NDI finds,  have allowed some to evolve a democratic ideology and create a relationship between the government and the citizens. Had they not promoted these valuable education policies, the citizens of those countries would have been unaware of their rights and would most likely would not have voted.

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