Friday, October 30, 2015

     Having observed how the government officials are conducting their campaigns to appeal to the public for their support is rather alarming. I personally feel that there are too many conspiracies among the parties and too much emphasis is going to the least important issues, like judging other candidates based on their appearance. This behavior is embarrassing and not to mention that it is also promoting bullying. I feel that the government's standard is being lowered dramatically and is beginning resembling that of a reality show, highlighting drama.
     I feel that government should try and work together instead of creating a battle that only hinders the progress of our country. Many issues need to be addressed, but with the constant interference of political pride slows any progress down, and the citizens are the ones that suffer the consequences of their actions. While I can understand that one party favors the protection of tradition and constitutional rights, I feel that society is moving very rapidly and some changes are much needed to ensure a safe and prosperous future.
     Perhaps the introduction of more political parties are needed to ease tensions between the rival parties. I feel that both parties do indeed have some very important issues that need to be addressed, but then there are also some issues that I find unimportant or absolutely absurd. I can only hope that our politicians can put their own self-importance aside and work on whats best for fixing our declining country.

Friday, October 16, 2015

     I was looking through links posted to Free Republic and came across the article "Finding My Place In the Fight for Social Justice and Health Equitywritten by Jasmine Burton. Burton tells a story of how her professor had asked the class to line up, sided by side, at the end of the hallway. The professor then went on to instruct his students to take a step if they had books in their home, and another if their parents told them that they were loved on a daily basis, and so forth. Jasmine Burton recalls feeling alarmed and overwhelmed with guilt when she realized that she had taken quite a few steps ahead of her peers, and as a result of her emotions she questions her place in society and feels that she has no place in a fight for social justice because she is not oppressed as the others are said to be. Is it right that Jasmine was made to feel this way? Does it make her privileges responsible for the lack of privileges for others? or vice versa? 
     I am not entirely sure why this kind of experiment is carried out or why it is necessary to promote or demote any students based on their upbringing, of which they do not entirely have control. Why should Jasmine Burton or those in the same situation be made to feel that they are guilty of having a privileged upbringing? Why should the students that are left behind in the experiment be made to feel bad because of their lack of privilege. It doesn’t make sense to assume that because one’s parents tell them that they are loved or having books in the home makes one privileged. Many homes own books and the family members of that household are loving towards each other; that doesn’t mean they have money, access to healthcare, or are considered equal within society--regardless of their race or cultural backgrounds.
     What defines a privilege in a household anyway? I was brought up in a single parent household, with six siblings and not much in the way of material items such as books, nor did my mother tell me on a daily basis that she loved me. However, I would consider myself  privileged to have had a bed to sleep in and food to keep me from starving. I have never harbored any ill feelings towards anyone that may have had a more privileged background than myself. I consider it a privilege to have many opportunities available to everyone today, including: healthcare, equal opportunity employment, educational grants, welfare assistance, and much more. I believe we must stop accusing each other of social segregation  which is creating hate, and treat one another with the respect and dignity that we all deserve. We must concentrate on healing our society and progressing towards a happier future for all. 

Friday, October 9, 2015

The Internet Could Make Us Smarter

     I am astounded by how we are so easily distracted by technology that could be a benefit to education and our general knowledge. We must pull our heads out of the sand and take responsibility for our own engagement in the distractions. The internet could provide us with many valuable sources of articles, videos, surveys, etc. that could make our knowledge of politics much more comprehensive. Instead, most of the entire population uses the internet for alternative purposes, such as gaming, social networking, and other useless sites that distract us from becoming involved with the welfare of our country and political agendas.
     Studies being conducted by National Democratic Institute have discovered several countries' usage of the internet to make the citizens aware of current events and the availability of civics education to allow the citizens to become more actively involved in political issues. These efforts, NDI finds,  have allowed some to evolve a democratic ideology and create a relationship between the government and the citizens. Had they not promoted these valuable education policies, the citizens of those countries would have been unaware of their rights and would most likely would not have voted.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Amending the Hate

When I first arrived in the United States four years ago, it struck me how everyone seemed to enjoy engaging in political conversation. Although I don’t know too much about politics, I found myself being drawn in and was intrigued to learn more. I suppose I kind of adopted a conservative outlook based on the constant influence around me. However, learning about the way in which people viewed those less fortunate, women's rights, minority groups, etc. set me on a path to explore alternative parties. 
     I just recently came across an article written by Ann Coulter, and I am convinced she is the reason why Democrats loathe the Republican mentality. Although I can accept that she is entitled to her opinion, I don’t think she projects her feelings in good taste, and she is probably offensive to many people. I was horrified to read that she describes immigrants from less fortunate countries as “peasants” from “wildly backward cultures.”  She goes on to abuse many other ethnic groups and accuse them of heinous crimes. Coulter went on to sail herself up the hate river with accusations and disrespect for our President. 
     I am increasingly concerned about the attention she receives for her propaganda, leading people to believe that Democrats are responsible for 9/11, Fort Hood, the Boston Marathon bombings, and so forth. I can only hope that America wakes up and realizes that this kind of hate is not healthy for what was once a country that was admired by all other countries around the world. Let us move forward and strive for a positive future.